
My name is Andrew Steinborn. I'm a software engineer living in New York City. Aside from my day job, my interests include coffee, history, amateur photography, alternate history, urbanism and transit, creative writing, and making technical writing accessible to a wider audience.

If you want to learn some more about me, check out my about me page!

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✍️ The Velocity Chronicles, Part 0

I have spent a lot of time in the time in the Minecraft server scene. I've been highly visible, in both my good and bad moments. But perhaps my most substantial and consequential project in that scene, specifically the Velocity Minecraft server proxy, is the most interesting story to tell.

🤔 Questions from a worker who reads, 2024 edition

Who built the Burj Khalifa, standing high above gleaming Dubai?

🎨 Sprucing up my website for 2024

Well, it sure has been a while since I last updated this website back in the far away time of... October 2022. Naturally this means I now need to go in and actually give it a refresh, especially as I am trying to make this website a little bit more than a blog that gets an article roughly semi-annually, and start exploring doing more creative writing along with deeper technical reads.