About Me

Who are you, anyway?

I'm 25. I went to college to get a bachelor's degree in computer science, but dropped out due to a lot of factors. But that hasn't held me back! I'm the middle of three brothers.

By day: I am an experienced backend software engineer. I am proficient with Python, Java, Go, JavaScript, PostgreSQL and have some frontend experience (JavaScript, TypeScript, React).

When I am not at work, I am an avid coffee drinker, history buff, amateur photographer, and alternate history connoisseur. A long time ago, I used to be very involved in the Minecraft scene and made some notable projects. Some of that work is present on this site, and I may occasionally feel the itch to return for a bit of nostalgia, but my day job and side hustles come first.

Here's my resume, but I am not currently looking for new opportunities.

Where have you worked?

Company Team Time Stack Location Size when I joined
Ramp Spend Platform November 2021-present Python, Elixir Atlanta area (remote), later NYC ~300 people
Branch Founding team February 2021-October 2021 Java, Python, JavaScript Atlanta area (remote) ~5 people

Where have you lived?

Location Years Why?
New York, NY 2022-present Going out into the world for real, plus my job was here.
Atlanta, GA area 1998-2022 Grew up here! Started my formal employment here, too.